About our Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting takes place the first Sunday in June, and is an opportunity to hear reports and plans for the coming year from our Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor, the Chair of our Board of Elders, and the head of our Finance Committee.
This year's meeting took place on Sunday June 6, at 12:30pm in the Lexington Campus Sanctuary and was also live streamed online (recording below).
2020 Annual Meeting Minutes (PDF)
Grace Chapel is a congregationally-led church; our Board of Elders and other church offices are all nominated and approved by our members, as is our budget and any other significant church-wide matters, such as opening a new campus or making a change to our bylaws. Each year after our Annual Meeting, members (and only members) vote on these matters.
We’re happy to announce that all motions on this year’s ballot were approved, including all nominees for church offices and our FY22 operating budget. Thank you to all who voted!