
Sunday Worship Services

9:00am, 9am Courtyard, 11:00am


59 Worthen Rd
Lexington, MA 02421





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am


128 West St
Wilmington, MA 01887





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am 


525 Main St
Watertown, MA 02472





Sunday Worship Services:



115 Mechanic St
Foxboro, MA 02035





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2021 Annual Meeting

About our Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting takes place the first Sunday in June, and is an opportunity to hear reports and plans for the coming year from our Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor, the Chair of our Board of Elders, and the head of our Finance Committee. 

This year's meeting took place on Sunday June 6, at 12:30pm in the Lexington Campus Sanctuary and was also live streamed online (recording below).

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Meeting Minutes (PDF)


Grace Chapel is a congregationally-led church; our Board of Elders and other church offices are all nominated and approved by our members, as is our budget and any other significant church-wide matters, such as opening a new campus or making a change to our bylaws. Each year after our Annual Meeting, members (and only members) vote on these matters.

We’re happy to announce that all motions on this year’s ballot were approved, including all nominees for church offices and our FY22 operating budget. Thank you to all who voted!  

Annual Meeting Live Stream

Our Annual Meeting took place at our Lexington campus and was live-streamed on this page. The meeting content begins at the 11-minute mark in the recording below:


During our annual meeting open the floor for anyone to ask questions about ministry planning or operations. If you're unable to attend in person but have a question you'd like answered during the meeting, let us know using the form below.
You can also email your question to .

How do I confirm that I am a church member?

Reach out to the church office or your local campus if you are unsure.

How much of our total budget goes to staff salaries?

Seventy percent of the budget goes to ministry & ministry support. Staff salaries are included in this figure. Salaries, benefits, and taxes make up 60% of the total budget.

Will there be support for missions programs or missions trips?

Thirteen percent of the budget is for missions. This summer, except for a component of a Boston Project missions project, all trips will be virtual. We hope to return to in-person trips soon.

What does the “principal repayment” budget line represent?

It is any outstanding loan principal payments, including mortgages and our available Line of Credit if utilized.

What staff changes have occurred in the last 12 months?

While we are always sad to see a staff member leave, we are equally moved by the many ways former staff members leverage what they have learned to serve the Kingdom in new and exciting ways. As departures occurred this past year, we have been thoughtful and strategic about how and when we replaced those staff roles.  The new people now serving on staff include:

  1. Watertown & East Lexington both hired new Part-Time Admin’s: Matt Fong & Thaiz De La Cruz, respectively
  2. Lexington has several new faces – Adam Rowe was moved into the campus pastor role. Nia Green has been hired as the Director for Contemporary Worship, Jason Cross is the Director of Traditional Worship. We have also recently hired a new Director of Children’s Ministry, Patti Lake (Technically a FY21 hire)
  3. In Central Ministries we have moved Richard Rhodes to become the Pastor of Community Engagement. In addition, we have hired a graphic designer, Katie Delany-Graves; Admin Support for our NextGen ministries, Paige Finlayson; and Admin Support for our Worship Teams, Genevieve Lefevre. We have also added a new HR Director, Sharon Whitehead.
  4. We established our new Digital Ministries Team, led by Leah Knight-Breton, and are working to fill a few open roles on that team.

2021 Nominees for Church Offices 

An important part of our Annual Meeting process is to learn about the nominees for church offices. Grace Chapel members serve in a number of leadership roles such as Elder, who provide oversight of Grace Chapel's ministry and strategic direction; Audit Committee, which ensures the financial integrity of our resources; and operational roles such as Moderator and Clerk. This year's candidates are listed below:

New Proposed Elders:
Rebecca Li, Lexington
Daniel Mitchell, Wilmington
Tim Min, Lexington

Nominations Committee Members:
Priscilla Seuss, Co-Chair
Andrea Dacayanan, Co-Chair
Beth Hughes, Wilmington (2 years)
Teresa Nelson, E. Lexington (1 year)
Elise Rowley, Lexington (2 years)
Jay White, Foxboro (1 year)

Audit Committee
Jim Citro, Proposed Chair
Lucy Marchese, 3rd year
Tofunmi Ochi, seat

Amy Warfield (3rd year)

Sandy Smith (3rd year)

This year all Grace Chapel members will receive an email with a link for voting online in addition to paper ballots which will be available the two Sundays after the meeting at all of our campus locations.

Please email questions about voting results or our annual meeting to