And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him.
~Luke 2:40
January can feel very quiet, even a little bit empty.
The carols turn off, the guests go home, and no one’s sure how long the lights should stay up. Christmas has come and gone. But in scripture the story rolls on. There’s no official end to the written story of Christmas. Is it when Jesus is named? When Simeon holds him? When the family returns to Nazareth?
Is it when the grown child from Bethlehem walks away from his empty tomb? When he returns to the Father who sent him? Or is Christmas still unfolding all around and within us, even on those dreary winter days?
More than anything we bought, baked, or created last month, what lasts beyond December is its message of hope—its tidings of comfort and joy for all people. This is the mark that the birth of Jesus has left on our world, and there are signs of it in every season.
So maybe what feels like emptiness is actually open space—cleared for what God will do in the days ahead. And maybe what sounds like quiet is actually space to listen. Take in the silence, the slow-down, even the chill in the air.
As we close this series of meditations and move into a brand-new year, keep the space you created for God this advent. Cultivate it; try to make it grow. When life starts to close in on that space, protect it, and try not to be dismayed—as you remember that Christ the Savior was born on Christmas day.
And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him.
~Luke 2:33
The days on the calendar will circle around until the refrain of Christmas rings out once again, and until it does, we carry it in our hearts: Fear not. For behold: we have a message of great joy.
Verses for Week 5
Day 1
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
~John 1:14
Day 2
“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light of revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.” (the words of Simeon)
~Luke 2:29-30
Day 3
In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
~John 1:4-5
Day 4
And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.
~Luke 2:52
Day 5
And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
~1 Corinthians 13:13
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