Ministry focus: freedom, health, mind, word
Mzimba, Malawi – World Relief Malawi’s mission is to empower the church to serve the most vulnerable. Often referred to as “the Warm Heart of Africa”, Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, with 50% of the population living on less than $1 per day. Through partnership with Grace Chapel since 2005, World Relief Malawi has been empowering the local church in the Mzimba District to respond to the needs in their communities through leadership formation, child development projects, orphan & vulnerable children care, agricultural development, savings groups, and HIV/AIDS programs. World Relief’s model places unique emphasis on ensuring churches are not only trained, but equipped to independently sustain these community-based activities. With this focus on sustainability through the Church, World Relief is working to help Malawi reach a critical tipping point, causing a ripple effect that changes the poverty paradigm throughout the entire country.
For more information about World Relief, please visit www.worldrelief.org.