Divorce Care is currently unavailable. If you would like more information or are looking for a Divorce Care group, please visit the national Divorce Care website at https://www.divorcecare.org/.
If you have additional questions, please contact Sunny Toews, Pastor of Community Care.
Divorce. Separation. Most of us never expect to experience these painful divisions along our life journey. But many of us have found ourselves here, wondering, “How did I get here? What do I do now? How do I handle the pain and loneliness?”
If you find yourself asking these questions and navigating through uncertainties, join us at DivorceCare, a workshop for divorced and separated individuals. This 13-week course includes video-based programs with practical and Biblical information to help us wrestle with some of the most challenging topics that surface during a divorce.
DivorceCare is not meeting currently. If you need support during seasons when the DivorceCare workshop is not in session, we recommend attending Celebrate Recovery meetings on Monday evenings, which has a breakout group for divorced and separated individuals.