Tech Team Volunteer Training | Wilmington
Wednesday, 9/13/23 at 6:30pm

WilmingtonWilmington Page Event
It takes a lot of people to make Sunday mornings a worshipful experience. We work together to help people set aside the distractions of life and enter into a meaningful time with the Lord.
Join the tech team to help bring the service together. We set the lights, sound, and video with the worship team to create an opportunity for meaningful experiences for the congregation. No experience necessary, we will train you.
Expectations: Serve when you are able, be it weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm, and again Sunday mornings, 7:30am for those serving at the 9:15 service.
For all those interested, we will be meeting Wednesday, September 13 | 6:30-8:30pm. Pizza dinner provided.
Please register to let us know you are coming.