About the Event
LexingtonLexington Page Event
As people enter our lobbies on Sunday mornings, there are likely lots of things going through their mind. "I'm new here, where do I go?" "I've been here forever no one really cares I'm hurting." "So much change is happening, I wish I had a group of friends to do life with." "I want to learn more about my faith but where to start." "How do I get involved with the worship team?"
A visitor's first impression and long time attendee's experience mean a lot on Sunday mornings. Being greeted with a warm hello and cared for makes a difference. Our ministry year starts in September and volunteers give their best when they are trained. Join us for a morning of fun, food, & information. Thinking about volunteering on the Welcome Team? Email Pastor Rachel at rkeeler@grace.org or Pastor Jon at jkim@grace.org to find out more or register to join us that morning. More about Welcome Team roles can be found on grace.org/volunteer