About the Event
The world today is one of ever-increasing noise. From the din of machines to our seemingly ceaseless modes of communication, it appears that silence can be very hard to come by. But just as a beautiful composition of music is not meant to be played without regard for the rests written into it, so too, the human life is not meant to be lived without periods of stillness, quietness, silence. Like music, life without pauses can become chaotic and discordant. There is a need, a longing, for the spaces and rhythms that give human lives meaning. How can we find silence in a world that seems to offer very little respite from the “noise”?
Silence is best understood in its relationship to sound. In the course of conversation, silence is interspersed with speech. If there is no silence, there can be no hearing, no listening. The “scarlet thread” that runs through both the Old and New Testaments is that God is a speaking God. Entering a sacred space—whether a prayer chapel, a sanctuary, a retreat center, or a human heart—signals the intention of listening in the silence. Sacred space creates a place where we can listen—a space where we can wander or stray toward the very presence of God.
This retreat is designed to help you slow down and find deep refreshment for your soul as you spend time in God’s presence through fellowship, guided learning, solitude, reflection, and prayer. Jim and Debbie Ennis and Doug Whallon will facilitate the morning.
Dress comfortably, and be sure to bring a Bible, notebook, pen, sweater, and a hungry heart. We'll start with a buffet breakfast—no charge, but a donation basket will be available for those who want to contribute.
Registration is not required but very much appreciated, as it will help us plan for your attendance.
Questions? Email Maria at mkakolowski@grace.org.