Worship Team Volunteer Training | Wilmington
Wednesday, 9/13/23 at 6:30pm

WilmingtonWilmington Page Event
Every Sunday we gather as a community to worship God through singing, prayer, teaching, and the reading of scripture. The worship team focuses on the musical parts of the worship experience whether they be songs that we sing together or instrumental pieces that offer moments of reflection.
If you have musical talent, vocals or instrumental, and want to see what being a part of the Worship Team is all about, come join us for our Vision Week training on Wednesday, September 13 | 6:30-8:30pm. Pizza will be provided.
Expectations: Sing or play an instrument with skill. Serve when you are able, be it weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm, and again on Sunday mornings at 7:30am before the two services at 9:15 & 11am.
Please register to let us know you are coming.