
Sunday Worship Services

9:00am, 9am Courtyard, 11:00am


59 Worthen Rd
Lexington, MA 02421





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am


128 West St
Wilmington, MA 01887





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am 


525 Main St
Watertown, MA 02472





Sunday Worship Services:



115 Mechanic St
Foxboro, MA 02035





Sundays Online

Live at 9:15am, On-demand all day




Foxboro Student Ministry

Welcome to Foxboro Student Ministry!

We’re excited you’re here! We create environments and opportunities for middle and high school students to ask questions, be curious, explore Jesus and their faith and build meaningful relationships with one other and a group of caring adults. Our church family would be nothing without our students and we feel blessed and honored to partner with parents, families and these students in what God is doing in and through their lives.

What Happens at Foxboro Student Ministry?

Where do we go?

The Hub - Enter through the gym side doors. Look for the “Students” sign through the glass doors and head down to the Hub. You can’t miss it. At the beginning of our time together, you might also find us in the gym. 

What time is the weekly programming?

Starting September 8, 2024 our middle and high school groups will be meeting on Sunday evenings, 6:30-8pm. There will be time for games, fun, and meaningful conversation, where our middle school and high school groups will have some combined time, but also time with their specific age group. 

On Sunday mornings during the school year, we encourage students, 6-12th grade, to worship with their families, friends, or serve with children, welcome team, tech team, or the worship team. We'll have a student ministry meetup with donuts following worship for a chance to hang out and connect with one another. 

What should you expect at Foxboro Student Ministry?

For our middle school students, they can expect the unexpected with fun, high-energy games, spaces for chilling out with their friends over board and card games, and engaging conversations as they process life, God, and all the in-between.

Our high school students can expect a chiller vibe, leaning heavily into relationships and community. This is a space where they can build meaningful relationships and memories, take ownership of their faith and life, and grow together as they wrestle with questions, major life changes, who they are, who God is, who they are to God, and who God is to them.

In both spaces, we are about students discovering and owning their faith, asking questions and experience deep belonging in a way that impacts their life today and into adulthood. 

Next Gen Safety Policy

Upcoming Events

We have some exciting opportunities for our students to break out of their routines to have fun, meaningful events together. We are looking forward to some exciting moments in 2025.You can email Blaire to get on the student ministry email list for all the latest updates on events.

Friday March 14, we will be participating with area churches for a student night of worship at the Chinese Church of Metro South Boston at 383 Old Post Rd. in Sharon, MA from 6:30-8:30pm. Drop off and pick up will be at the church in Sharon. 

Winter Calendar

Important Information

  • We have a lot of opportunities for students to plug and get connected in a meaningful way including weekly gatherings to fun events, retreats, trips, and serving opportunities. Explore your local campus by clicking on the tabs above to learn more.
  • If you’re new with us and trying to figure out if this is the place for you, welcome. It’s hard being new anywhere, including at church stuff. Good thing is, everyone here has been new before, so you won’t be alone. Will it be awkward? Almost guaranteed, but death by awkwardness isn’t a thing, so you should make it out alive and maybe even acquire some new friends in the process. We’re excited to meet you.
  • We believe that youth ministry is family ministry. We may know teenagers, but you know your teenager the best and you are their greatest influence. So, we believe in partnering with parents is one way we get to help lead students to discover and own their faith.
  • Check out our parent page to find helpful resources related to parenting teens as well as our weekly content so that you can continue the conversation at home and your teenager(s) normalize talking about God in their life.
  • Waiver: This liability and med form enables us to respond to an emergency regarding your child(ren), and allows us to go off site with them for events, trips, retreats, and serving opportunities. This form needs to be completed once and then can be accessed and updated by you as needed until your child graduates without needing to be filled out all over again. Click here to fill out the waiver.

Next Gen Safety Policy
