Meditations for Lent 2023
In John’s gospel we read that God’s glory—the glory the heavens declare, the glory that surrounded the shepherds of Bethlehem, the glory that once filled the tabernacle as a cloud—came and lived among real, ordinary people. More than simply honor or greatness, glory is God’s presence; and prior to the coming of Jesus, that glory was either too much for a human to behold, or took an abstract form.
But at Jesus’ birth, God’s glory—his presence—came to earth to dwell. John and his companions testify that they have seen this glory, looked straight at it, and they’re ready to describe it.
John records that Jesus himself often spoke about glory, too—where does it come from, who has it, and why? In the dusty streets of Galilee, in humble villages and unlikely ways, the Son of God taught about glory—in his humility as well as his power.
Participate in Grace Chapel’s Lent meditation series Glory to take a closer and deeper look at Jesus living among us, as we say alongside the writer John: We have seen his glory.