At Grace Chapel’s Lexington Campus there is always something going on for men! See below for the latest Events and Videos!
Enjoy and inspirational video from Dom Bronico, Pastor of Connections and Young Adults about how hospitality is everyone's responsibility to practice. To view the video click here.
Perhaps you've had this conversation with your best friend. To view the video, click here.
[Watch] Leadership and Submission: A Study of Hebrews 5
If you had a chance to attend the last Men's Gathering then you met Josiah Kish, Pastoral Resident at Grace Wilmington. To view the video replay click here.
[Serve] Help Make Coats for Kids a success this year!
Bob Kuecker is once again spearheading an effort to gather coats for kids that need them.
[Watch] King Me! What Every Man Needs from Other Men
At the Men's Group Breakfast, Senior Pastor Bryan Wilkerson presented a solution for men in crisis within our society through validation and initiation.
[Watch] Developing a Hidden History with God
At the Men's Group BBQ, Pastor Jon Kim challenged us to develop a hidden history with God. While we all want to be credited for the things we do, our relationship with God rests more on what we do privately than publicly.
[Watch] Jesus, Discipleship, and Masculinity | Lexington Men | Grace Chapel
Whether you were able to attend the May 9th Chili Cookoff event, check out this video of Pastor Tim Ghali challenging us to live as godly men.
[Watch] Jesus' Upside Down Mission | Lexington Men | Grace Chapel
If you know Jesus, you know that he often turned the world upside down around him. On December 3rd, Pastor Richard Rhodes addressed us at our Men's Breakfast.
[Watch] Following Jesus on a Broken Road | Lexington Men | Grace Chapel
Following Jesus can be hard because we are all broken people. Hear more on this topic from Pastor Christ Haydon when he addressed us at the August 9th Men's BBQ.
[Watch] What Every Man Wants To Be | Lexington Men | Grace Chapel
Every man wants their life to count for something. On April 2, 2022, Pastor Bryan Wilkerson spoke at the Men's Breakfast on the subject of authentic manhood.
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