As fall is quickly approaching the 5th annual Love Packages book drive will be here before you know it. I am hoping I can count on you guys again to help out. You all are a key part to it. This year's book drive will look a little bit different so let me lay it out.
Collection Dates - will actually be the last three Sundays of October 10/13, 10/20 and 10/27 before/after each service (and also 10/12 before/after men's breakfast for breakfast attenders so not publicized as a church collection time). This method will actually take the weather out of play and give more flexibility for people's schedules, although drop off may be a little more physical work.
Collection Location/Times - Collection and storage area will be downstairs at the church at the south entrance of the building (the one close to the Goodwill truck). We will be collecting before and after both services on those 3 Sundays. It will probably make sense to have at least a couple of guys in support of each Sunday/each service. I am away for the 10/20 date, but plan on being available for 10/13 and 10/27 both services. If you could let me know if you are able to help and availability that would be great. We can reach out and get a few more people as needed also.
Transport - Date and method TBD. It looks like we are not going to have the LP trailer to use this time so I am checking on GC trailer although I don't know that it is registered and may actually be in process of being sold? Other options including talking to Uhaul and ask them to donate rental at a charitable rate. Other ideas are welcome. The transport date is probably flexible ranging from that last collection Sunday and any time through the following week or so.
Remember we are off to a great start as I brought 7 boxes up to Seabrook collection area last week and we got 30 boxes from Pastor Bryan sitting in the basement of 3 Militia.
PS Remember too we don't have to have books laying around to participate - we can do like Bob did and order a case of Bibles etc from a retailer like Bibles in Bulk or Christian Book Distributors inexpensively and bring as a donor.
For any additional information you need contact Scott Bosley at
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