The Wednesday Morning gathering features large group time starting at 6:45am in person or via Zoom followed by small group breakout sessions that end around 7:45am. For those joining new you will be assigned to a small group.
Zoom Link: https://gracechapel.zoom.us/my/mens.group?pwd=WDlOOGRrVmFsL2FPeWZRRFowbU53dz09
In-Person: 59 Worthen Rd (The Church Building), Room 104 (Just inside North Entrance on right side of the building)
Starting on January 8th, the group will be featuring Louie Giglio covering Joshua.
Louie Giglio is the pastor of Passion City Church, and the founder and visionary of the Passion movement, which exists to call a generation to leverage their lives for the fame of Jesus.
Since 1997, Passion Conferences has gathered collegiate-aged young people in events across the US and around the world. Most recently, Passion hosted over 50,000 people in Mercedes-Benz Stadium and over 1 million people online globally. He is a graduate of Georgia State University, has done post-graduate work at Baylor University and holds a master’s degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Preview: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/en/player/video/794344?
Courage for Everyday People
After roaming the wilderness for decades, God's people finally reached the Promised Land. But there were still obstacles that stood in their way. Securing the land God had promised them would require strength, courage, and faith.
In this eight-session series, pastor Louie Giglio shows us that our story today isn't too far removed from Joshua and the Israelites: we need the same strength, courage, and faith to face the challenges in our lives. Join Louie and learn what it means to follow God faithfully, no matter what obstacles are before you.
1-Jan No Session
8-Jan Joshua Session 1 - featuring Louie Giglio 1
15-Jan Joshua Session 2
22-Jan Joshua Session 3
29-Jan Joshua Session 4
5-Feb Joshua Session 5
12-Feb Joshua Session 6
19-Feb Joshua Session 7
26-Feb Joshua Session 8
For additional information about this study opportunity contact .
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