
Sunday Worship Services

9:00am, 9am Courtyard, 11:00am


59 Worthen Rd
Lexington, MA 02421





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am


128 West St
Wilmington, MA 01887





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am 


525 Main St
Watertown, MA 02472





Sunday Worship Services:



115 Mechanic St
Foxboro, MA 02035





Sundays Online

Live at 9:15am, On-demand all day




One Church: For Generations to Come

Sunday May 12, 2024 

Every once in a while, we do something special here at Grace Chapel: we bring all of our campuses together on a Sunday morning for an all-church, all-at-once, everyone-together experience. We call these “One Church Sundays.”

This year, we hosted our first post-pandemic One Church Sunday, a chance to recognize and celebrate some of our biggest milestones, and honor the ways God has moved in the lives of the people who make up our church and community. That’s something worth celebrating!

One Church Sunday was also a chance to look ahead to what God has in store for Grace Chapel. The theme of this event was “For Generations to Come,” and we did more than celebrate – we looked ahead to the next 75 years of our church: how we reach more people in more ways, here in Greater Boston and around the world.

All our worship leaders joined voices, leading a packed Lowell Memorial Auditorium with the beautiful sounds of gratitude and joy.

It was a service filled with special moments, and most importantly filled with all of YOU. Each and every one of you: all our campuses, at home, in Kidstown, student ministry, behind the scenes, on the stage, or in the seats. It's your presence and support that truly make our church feel like home! We're so thankful for this opportunity to celebrate together.

Missed the service? Watch the recording here:

Parking & Directions

We will be gathering together for this event at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 East Merrimack Street, Lowell MA 01852.

Please plan to arrive by 9:30am to give yourself enough time to park in one of the garages, walk to the Lowell Memorial Auditorium and find a seat. 

Parking fees are being prepaid for by Grace Chapel to those using the Joseph Downes Garage at 75 John Street, Lower Locks Garage at 90 Warren Street and the *Davidson Street Parking Lot at 21 Davidson Street.  The Davidson Street Parking Lot will be reserved for those with handicap placards or mobility concerns on a first come basis.

There will also be a Drop Off spot at the front of the event center to drop off family or those needing a shorter walk before you then park in a garage.

Parking on the street for One Church Sunday? Lowell uses the Passport app to pay for metered parking. Download it from the App Store or Google Play in advance to save time Sunday morning.

Parking Information

Our carpooling coordination service is no longer available; we apologize for any inconvenience.

Just in time for One Church Sunday, check out the new One Church collection of shirts and other gear on the Grace Chapel shop.

Shop Now

Local Restaurants

Looking for a local place to grab lunch after church? We've compiled a list of some of our favorite places to eat or grab coffee around Lowell. Make sure to call ahead and make a reservation!

Restaurant List