Get connected with our community by following Grace Chapel on Facebook and joining the Grace Chapel Online Facebook group!
Group life is a key part of the Grace Chapel community. We believe that we grow in faith as we learn to live together and follow the way of Jesus.
Online community IS real community, and we're committed to offering online groups to connect people in meaningful, rewarding relationships centered around our shared love for Jesus. Check out some of our current online groups below, and remember to check back for new short-term or topic-specific groups that launch throughout the course of the year.
Getting to know Jesus can happen anywhere. Everywhere. Whenever. That's why Grace Chapel offers a wide assortment of online resources for parents and kids - Kidstown at Home!
With a huge library of video content, weekly lessons, downloadable resources for both kids and their parents, Kidstown at Home helps families anywhere connect to Grace Chapel's Kidstown content.
Grace Chapel has tons of great video content available online, most of which can be found on our YouTube channel.
Check out some of our most popular video playlists below, and remember to subscribe to the YouTube channel to see all the latest video content from Grace Chapel.