
Sunday Worship Services

9:00am, 9am Courtyard, 11:00am


59 Worthen Rd
Lexington, MA 02421





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am 





Sunday Worship Services:






Sundays Online

Live at 9:15am, On-demand all day




Volunteer in Kidstown

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Opportunity Details

Kidstown needs a wide range of volunteers, from small group leaders to check in team, to tech and large group leaders. There are so many ways to serve in Kidstown! Some of these roles work directly with engaging and building relationships with children and parents while other roles are a bit more behind the scenes. Interested, have questions, or want to start a conversation about what it would look like to serve in Kidstown? Fill out the 1 minute "Volunteer in Kidstown" form below to get in touch with us!


Volunteer Roles

Early Childhood

Our Early Childhood is for kids birth-5 years old. If you love the littlest ones in our church, check out the roles we have below.

Lead Teacher -Lead the bible story, crafts, and activities for 8-10 pre-k kids. 

Assistant Teacher - Assists Lead teacher in activities for 8-10 pre-K kids.

Substitute Leader - On call to fill in when weekly small group leaders call out.

Volunteer Scheduler - Schedules all classrooms and volunteers.

Coach - First face families see when they enter Kidstown. Take kids to their locations and oversee other leaders.

Childcare Worker - Schedule and facilitate all childcare for events requiring childcare. 


Our Elementary aged ministry goes from Kindergarten-5th grade. We have plenty of options to volunteer. Whether you love leading up front, leading kids in arts, crafts, and discussion, or doing tech behind the scenes; check out the roles we have below.

Large Group Leader - Lead the whole group of kids through the morning bible teaching. 

Small Group LeaderLead 2-10 kids in crafts, games, or activities that coincide with the weekly bible lesson. 

Coach - First face families see when they enter Kidstown. Take kids to their locations and oversee other leaders. 

Substitute LeaderOn call to fill in when weekly small group leaders call out. 

Tech Team - As a member of this team, you will help with the technical aspect of our large group time. Making sure sound/visuals/computers are ready to go and working for our large group Team.

Worship Team - A worship team member has a musical gifting and would work alongside the large group team to engage with children while leading singing and worshiping God during large group time.


Our SHINE Ministry serves children in Kidstown and Student Ministries at the Lexington campus aiming to provide the most appropriate setting for each child to learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus.  No special skills are required, just a heart for serving families and kids!

SHINE Buddy  – Volunteers paired 1:1 with a child in SHINE to provide and assist in their safety and education at church.

SHINE Coach - One coach serves during each service hour to coordinate and assist buddies serving children.

SHINE Leader - provides support to more than one child in SHINE who can attend Kidstown without a buddy. 

Behind the Scenes

Do you love kids but don't want to work directly with them? We have tons of roles that don't work with kids, but help them all the same.

Bin Buddies Team - This team works behind the scenes to ensure all campuses and all classrooms have the supplies needed to effectively teach the Bible lessons each Sunday. If you like details, and have some weekday time available, this team is for you!

Prelude Team -Help to design/ build our monthly sets and strike them each month. 

Producer - Media team coordination, large group leader coordinator, builds Pro-Presenter presentations and manages all aspects of the Sunday morning production. 

Care TeamConnect with kids and parents that are having a difficult time. 

Lay Security Team - Monitors entrances to KT. Greet families, and be trained in emergency protocol.  

Greeting Team - First face families see when they enter kidstown. Lead new families to their respective areas, help them check-in, and be a happy presence for the families coming to Kidstown.

Mom2Mom Childcare (Thursday Mornings)

Do you love kids and have a heart for giving moms of young children a break so they can fellowship with others in a bible study? We offer childcare for our Thursday morning Mom2Mom groups. If you have daytime availability, we are looking for volunteers to help supplement our childcare workers every week.

Thursday mornings, 9:15-11:45am (September-May)

If you are interested in learning more about how you can volunteer on Thursday mornings please E mail GCmomtomom@gmail.com

Volunteer for Kidstown!

Our Sunday morning Kidstown programs wouldn't be possible without the help of our amazing volunteers! Are you interested in serving at your campus? Fill out the form below and let us know!

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I would like to serve in...*

What Roles Interest You?*

Check All that apply

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Volunteer Inquiry

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