June 12, 2023

Summer Coolers at Watertown Campus

This summer, Grace Chapel is organizing "Summer Coolers" across all of our campuses.  These will be casual, one-off gatherings in people’s homes for a light meal or dessert to have some fun and make connections with people from your local campus.  The idea is to gather people who don’t already know each other and allow them to share a meal together! 

Interested in attending a Summer Cooler?  Below is the list of Summer Coolers of those attending at the Watertown campus:


Nick and Hillary Moser invite you to join them for a Summer Cooler

Host: Nick and Hillary Moser
Location:  Waltham, MA
Serving:  Dinner

When:  Saturday, July 22 I 7:00 pm
Guests:  20 Adults

Register:  Waltham   I   Moser   I   July 22


Please join the Frasers for dinner at 6pm

Host:  Haelan & Jeff Fraser
Location:  Newton, MA
Serving:  Dinner
When:  Saturday, August 19  I  6:00 pm
Guests:  10

This is an adult gathering.
There are no pets in this home.

Register:  Newton   |   Fraser   |   8/19


Raymond and Lily Yu invite you to join them for a cookout.  Children are welcome. We have no pets. 

Host:  Raymond and Lily Yu
Location:  West Roxbury, MA
Serving:  Cook-Out
When:  Saturday, August 26  I  5:00 pm
Guests:  8

Register:  West Roxbury   |   Yu   |   8/26


Tags: groups, bbq, summer gathering, summer coolers

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