Here is a list of serving opportunities within our community:
Mom to Mom Childcare
Want to experience the joy of snuggling babies and laughing with toddlers and pre-schoolers at Grace Chapel? You can volunteer in childcare for the Mom to Mom program! Volunteers serve for a few hours on Thursday mornings, making it possible for moms to participate in their Mom to Mom groups. You will engage children in playing games, reading books, offering snack and other fun activities. You will receive grateful praise from the moms who desperately need that time to be encouraged and refreshed. There is also a need for kitchen volunteers on the Thursday morning Mom to Mom team, if you prefer to help out “behind the scenes.” Please contact Lynn Jackson ( ) if you are willing to serve the moms in our Grace Chapel community.
Prison Ministry
- Be a Pen Pal with an individual that is incarcerated
- Be a Partaker. The Partakers organization needs 40 - 60 new mentors by January.
Contact Shari Johnson (email:
Fostering & Supporting Fostering Families
- Contact Richard Rhodes
- Contact Tom VanAntwerp (Wilmington Campus)
EPIC-Related Cross-Cultural Learning Experience (CCLE) aka short-term missions
- Guatemala Potter's House (Feb 2025)
- Nepal Disciples via Zoom (date TBD)
- Contact Bo Kaufmann
EPIC Meeting Volunteers
As a large group EPIC meets 6 times a year on a Friday evening. We can use help in the following areas:
- Greeters, room set up/tear down. Greeters welcome the crowd especially first time visitors. On occasions the room is not setup properly and help is needed to set the tables before the meeting and reset/cleanup after the meeting. Please contact Greg Wells ( email: )
- Snack volunteers. Purchase the snack, setup the snack table. Please contact Ruth Brigham ( email: )
- Tech volunteers. Help run PowerPoint, audio, video recording, Zoom. Please contact Santo ( email: ) or John Avery ( email: )
More Serving Opportunities
For more serving opportunities within the church, in our local community, or in the world, please go to the following link: https://www.grace.org/volunteer/. Examples:
- Kidstown or Student Ministry
- Hospitality Ministry: Greeters, Ushers, Welcome Center
Past Serving
- Potter's House Guatemala Trip 2024
- Potter's House Guatemala Trip 2023
- Salvation Army Christmas Castle 2022
- Pine Knoll Christmas Caroling 2022
- Care One Christmas Caroling 2021
- Potter's House Guatemala Virtual Trip 2021
- Potter's House Guatemala Trip 2020
- Salvation Army Christmas Castle 2019
- Potter's House Guatemala Trip 2019
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