Our special speakers will be Hector & Margarita Rivas, who will come to us from Guatemala City (virtually). Their topic will be “Trash, Treasures and Transformation—God’s Way,” as they share the story of God’s grace and power amidst “the poorest of the poor” (the people who live in or near the biggest dump community in the northern hemisphere).
Hector and Margarita have been leading and directing The Potter’s House ministry and staff team for the last 15 years. Their love of Jesus and their willingness to depend on God and share the good news of Jesus while tackling material poverty has been remarkable—and fruitful. Poverty, indeed, is complex. But it can be solved. For 35 years the indigenous ministry of The Potter’s House has developed the wisdom and track record of providing compassion and empowering healthy progress (not the kind of approach that results in dependency). Amazingly, despite the threat and fears of Covid, not only has the Potter’s House ministry survived, but also God has blessed them and real progress has happened.
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