The Apostle Paul was one of the most broken characters in scripture because of things in his past and things he had done wrong in his life. But although he was the most broken of sinners, Jesus Christ showed him an abundance of grace!
Are you a fair-weather-fan or a fan through think and thin! Think and thin fans participate in life that is truly life.
Often in the face of difficult situations we look at them in terms of what we have lost or don’t have anymore. I want to encourage you to look at what this situation has afforded you by way of opportunity, and possibilities when it comes to relationships, and personal growth.
This hymn has been sung for more than 100 years. Seems appropriate to meditate on the meaning of the word "grace", especially as we continue to adjust to what it looks like to experience grace in times of uncertainty. One thing we can rely on with full certainty is the grace of the Lord. May...