
Sunday Worship Services

9:00am, 9am Courtyard, 11:00am


59 Worthen Rd
Lexington, MA 02421





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am 





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Regional & Global Outreach

Missions Spotlight: Ukraine

Following the invasion of Ukraine in February of this year, Grace Chapel took up a collection for a special offering to support missions partners working on the frontlines of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Check out a brief "Thank you" video from Pastor Jeanette below.

Grace Chapel has 48 individual and organization partners worldwide. Two-thirds of our partners serve globally, and one-third serve right here in the Greater Boston Area. 

We have partners serving in:

  • theological education
  • relief and development
  • ministries for women, youth, and children (including orphans)
  • church planting and evangelism
  • Bible translation and distribution
  • urban and multicultural ministries
  • university and international students
  • restorative justice (juvenile and adult ex-offenders)
  • rehabilitation
  • microfinance

Meet Our Partners

Africa and Middle East

CMML, Family Fund

Missions Africa and Middle East Partners

CMML, Family Fund, is the Sudanese refugee assistance program affiliated with the Heliopolis Community Church, Cairo, Egypt...

Grace Church

Missions Africa and Middle East Partners

Grace Church in Amman, Jordan, extends its ministry to Iraqi and Syrian refugees, providing both spiritual and physical support in the name of...

Cedar Home for Girls

Missions Africa and Middle East Partners

Cedar Home home for girls is based in Beirut Lebanon. The ministry takes care of girls--orphaned, disadvantaged and refugees, holding their hand...

The Bible Society of Egypt (BSOE)

Missions Africa and Middle East Partners

The Bible Society of Egypt exists to make the Scriptures available and accessible to all in Egypt, at an affordable price, in a language people...

World Relief Malawi

ResourcesMissions Africa and Middle East Partners

Through partnership with Grace Chapel since 2005, World Relief Malawi has been empowering the local church in the Mzimba District to respond to...

Wycliffe Bible Translators (Chad)

ResourcesMissions Africa and Middle East Partners

Jeff and Judy have been serving in Chad since 1998, helping to bring God’s Word to the 130 language groups of Chad. Judy is part of the Bible...

Europe and Central Asia

Latin America and Caribbean

Potter's House

Missions Latin America and Caribbean

Potter's House fights against extreme poverty by promoting a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ while deploying five holistic...

Hope for the Children of Haiti, Inc.

Missions Latin America and Caribbean

Hope for the Children of Haiti, Inc. provides for the direct care and needs of around 75 children and young adults, while investing in a future of...

United World Mission

Missions Latin America and Caribbean

Merv and Dona Breneman served with Latin America Mission for 45 years in Costa Rica and Argentina. Now Merv and Dona reside near St. Augustine...

New England

International Student Ministry

Missions New England

Over a million students and researchers come to the U.S. each year from all the countries in the world to study in our universities and research...

Alpha New England

Missions New England

For over 30 years, Alpha has been helping thousands of people worldwide answer questions about life and faith in a comfortable environment...

Boston Project Ministries

Missions New England

The Boston Project’s mission is to engage and equip neighbors, volunteers, and congregations to build strong communities characterized by God’s...

Emmanuel Gospel Center, Inc.

Missions New England

Emmanuel Gospel Center’s mission is to strengthen Christian leaders to serve urban communities. We believe the Church is God’s chosen instrument...

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Missions New England

Rooted in the gospel and God’s Word, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary seeks to develop Christian leaders who are thoughtful, globally aware...

Hagar's Sisters

Missions New England

For a woman who has experienced the life-shattering effect of domestic violence, Hagar’s Sisters is a Christian domestic violence non-profit...

Place of Promise

Missions New England

The primary mission of Place of Promise is to help each person find new life in relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

New Life Home for Women and Children

Missions New England

A voluntary, residential treatment facility like few others, the New Life Home’s mission is to come alongside women with alcohol/drug...

Oceania, East and South Asia

Horizons International (Thailand)

Missions Oceania East and South Asia

Seth and Lauren Vitrano-Wilson have been serving in Thailand since 2010, working with Bible translation, orthography development and helping...

Youth for Christ (Sri Lanka)

Missions Oceania East and South Asia

YFC is an interdenominational Christian organization that has been involved in the lives of Sri Lankan youth for over 55 years, enhancing their...

YWAM Thailand

Missions Oceania East and South Asia

YWAM Thailand is committed to expressing the Kingdom of God through training, evangelism and mercy ministries in partnership with local churches...

Bethel Church Ministries

Missions Oceania East and South Asia

The Focus of Bethel Church Ministries is to plant and empower the local church, develop leaders, reach out to the communities with the...


Missions Oceania East and South Asia

NBCBS exists to reach high school, college and university students of Nepal with the gospel of Jesus Christ, focusing on student and youth...

Nepal Ebenezer Theological Seminary

Missions Oceania East and South Asia

The mission of Nepal Ebenezer Theological Seminary is to build up servant-leaders with Christ-like character, rooted in the Scripture, and...

Good News for India

Missions Oceania East and South Asia

Since 1986 Good News for India has been serving the Lord in north India by training, sending and supporting national Christians to preach the...

YWAM Thailand/Southeast Asia

Missions Oceania East and South Asia

The work of our partners with YWAM Thailand has a dual focus of reaching out to homeless, sex workers, deaf, and urban refugees in Bangkok, and...

Prison Fellowship Nepal

Missions Oceania East and South Asia

Prison Fellowship Nepal is a non-profit, non-government Christian organization established in 1988 and affiliated with Prison Fellowship...

Multiple Regions

Posture Shift

Missions More than one region

Posture Shift is writing a new church history where communities of faith and homes are safe for LGBT+ family and friends. We offer leading...

PEER Servants

Missions More than one region

PEER Servants’ mission is to join the Holy Spirit in extending the kingdom of heaven to earth, here and now, to the materially poor and non-poor.


Cross-Cultural Learning Experiences (formerly called 'short-term mission trips') are ways for you to learn from ministry partners serving in different cultures. These inter-generational missions learning teams help you step outside of your routine to learn and serve alongside one another while building friendships through service. Is this your year to take a faith-sized, cross-cultural risk?

Learn More


Operation World is widely regarded as the definitive volume of prayer information about the world and is the recipient of the ECPA Gold Medallion Award for Excellence in Evangelical Christian Literature.


For over 60 years, Open Doors has worked in the world’s most oppressive countries, empowering Christians who are persecuted for their beliefs. Open Doors equips persecuted Christians in more than 60 countries through programs like Bible and Gospel Development, Women & Children Advancement and Christian Community Restoration.
